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2019 Submitted Proposals

Attached are the proposals for our upcoming NWAPA membership meeting on Sunday, May 19th at 12:00pm at Sherwood High School in the Commons Classroom.

There are a total of eight proposals this year. This is a significant increase from last year and several of them require consideration and conversation. I would encourage unit directors to read through these proposals in advance so you can voice your questions and opinions at the meeting. Feel free to ask any questions ahead of time in order to help streamline our conversations at our meeting.  Also, if you do not plan to be in attendance but you would like someone to vote for you in your place, please coordinate your proxy in advance so that votes are as informed as possible and in sync with your viewpoints.

Each proposal will be presented one at a time. We will allow the person making the proposal to state that proposal’s case. Circuit Board will provide additional context as to how it could affect our operating and budgeting procedures. Circuit Members will have the opportunity to discuss the topic. Once the conversation points have been made and questions addressed, we will take a vote by ballot. Ballots will be provided & tabulated by the NWAPA Secretary.

2019 Submitted Proposals

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