Call For Fall Rules Proposals
On Sunday Dec 10 (6:00PM) the general membership will vote on rules and policy that have been submitted for consideration.
Rules and policy proposals (if passed) should amend one of the NWAPA’s FALL operational or governing documents. (Fall Member Handbook, Fall Show Sponsor Handbook, Constitution and Bylaws)
Initiatives for the purchase of equipment, educational events (outside of NWAPA contest process and rules), setting membership fees, budget items, or other mandates of direct usage of general funds are NOT proposals. Such items are the purview of elected officers who meet regularly to create budgets, set fees, manage staff, and execute program on behalf of the general membership. NWAPA Board members will solicit feedback throughout their term from the membership on the above.
Initiatives for contest rules, process, governance, and the like ARE proposals. When a proposal is passed, it is a mandate from the membership that must be executed by the NWAPA elected officers and staff. The NWAPA Board may also initiate proposals.
Proposals intended to be considered are due Friday Dec 1st, 2023.
Because they are binding and have potential for altering NWAPA mission and operations, submitted proposals will be vetted by a committee chaired by the NWAPA President. A slate of complete and examined proposals will be presented to the membership for discussion and vote.
The NWAPA President may determine, at his/her discretion, that a submitted proposal will not be presented to the membership. Such proposals may be referred to committee for additional vetting and discussion, tabled for a future voting cycle, or removed from the slate altogether because they do not meet the above criteria.
If you are interested in joining the vetting committee email contest_coord@nwapa.net
Voting will take place virtually on Dec 10th 6:00 PM at the Winter General Membership Meeting. Each director of a FALL member unit (or their proxy) in good standing is eligible to cast a vote.
(Click HERE to download the proposal form, then email to Contest Coordinator)